參選宣言 Manifesto


I would be a good role model if I can get into LegCo. With legislators and politicians only taking sides on either black and white, they have not taken care of what Hong Kong people really want. I hope that by entering the LegCo I will bring more attention to the livelihood of Hong Kong people, rather than solely debating on politics and political system.
The solutions that I suggested in the past did lead to positive outcome. For example, stopping landfill further extension, improving environmental policies, and some involving land use. Everybody knows I have a strong resume within the Sai Kung district, I won’t say that livelihood would not exist without democracy or vice versa. Can we fight for both at the same time? Chief Executive Election is of injustice. I am now telling everyone that I do support universal suffrage for LegCo and CE.

在這段日子,我在街站問過不同的市民,怎樣形容立法會,絕大部分人的答案是: 經常流會、白逗人工、濫用特權、拉布、做show等等…總括而言,幾乎所有的評價都是一面倒。



